



「ヤムトゥーマ」 2007年3月結成。

"Yumtooma" is a versatile band that doesn't depend on what kind of music to play. 2 members of primal band "Dith" matChan(gt) anhIRo(vo) changed the name to "Yumtooma" that motivated our decision for the future. The basis was made through 2 years and the process involved a lot of people. Aug 2005, "How do I identify myself who is in the array of human beings" hIRo translated the message into music. Aug 2006, matChan attend to the music and give an opportunity to pursue and to demonstrate. Jan 2007, drums HicO made the band more intelligent and zAkio made the potential limitless.

And...the mixture of 4 factors meet the musical desire of yumtooma.

YUMTOOMA公式サイト http://www.yumtooma.com/

myspace http://www.myspace.com/yumtooma


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