Sergey Rybytskyy
Classic / Instrumental / Metal
Sergiy Rybytskyy is a neo-classical composer. The piano lured him in at the tender age of seven.

He pursued the instrument like the famous character in "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe. He followed that call like the latter followed the heartbeat under the floorboards! That haunting call has never left Rybytskyy. Instead of attempting to resist the attraction, he allowed it to run wild.

Rybytskyy continued to fine-tune his craft over the years. He attended many courses from the Dnipro Music College in Ukraine. He also took private lessons from talented composer and piano virtuoso Vladimir Skuratovsky. At the same time, Rybytskyy was leading a second life. He was an engineering school student who began a career in the mining engineering field to pay his bills. When Rybytskyy left the mining world, he was in the mindset of songwriting and recording. Rybytskyy's musical influences cover a vast range, from J.S.Bach to Krzysztof Penderecki and Marty Friedman. The primary drive of his music is to create an emotional experience for the listener. His sound is original, lively, and refined.

While his main goal is to compose soundtracks, Rybytskyy's music tells a unique story.

His main instrument is the keyboard. Still, there is also a variety of other instruments in his works. This allows him to get a wide range of sounds to create a palpable atmosphere. The sound invites the listener to escape into the artist's musical world. Rybytskyy's debut album, "New Vista," received praise among music fans and industry insiders. It explored classical, prog-rock, romantic, ambient, and neo-classical music. The album didn't follow the usual formulas of most music of that era. Instead, it veered toward a diverse tone with ambient sounds and driving drums. Amped Sounds marveled at Rybytskyy's ability. The artist combined many influences to create a "musical experience within itself." Indie Music Digest stated, "New Vista is a dynamic and progressive musical statement. It offers a lot of variety via vivid sound and brilliant creative energy." Rybytskyy wasted no time to release a follow-up: "In Labyrinths of the Soul." Many people admired his sophomore album too. Many reviews mentioned the ease with which the listener can get lost in the music. Rybytskyy amazed the journalists at Middle Tennessee Music blog. In particular, his ability to use the keyboard to sound like other real instruments stood out.

Tuned Loud! called the artist a “true pioneer.” The blog remarked on how his songs are “complex and interesting, but no inaccessible.”

A&R Factory was also very impressed. The site discussed how the “many layers of wonderful music” add to his vision. His layering makes the tracks “refined and glorious.”

Hands Off Promotions remarked that the album sounds like "Tim Burton's take on a classic." Rybytskyy's relentless drive will not allow him to rest.
You will also hear some of Rybytskyy's work on television and film. He collaborates with publishers and music libraries for commercial use. Sergiy keeps creating amazing cinematic songs, soundtracks, and compositions for music libraries. Still, Sergiy is always willing to work on new music, putting his impressive passion and skills first.