ayura in astray

ayura in astray



[ ayura in astray ] is Japanese scenery music mate.
guitar-rock , post-rock , alternative , ambient , shoegaze , electronica , etc...

we need new members. : [ Keyboard/Synthesizer/Piano ] & [ Bass ] & [ Drums ]
and we need more creators and staffs.

Gt. , Key. , Vo. & Songwriter : yuto ogura [23]
Gt. : Yutaro Watanabe [23]

we are alive.

Japan / north Kanto
bandcamp : https://ayurainastray.bandcamp.com/
contact : ayura.in.astray19@gmail.com
Twitter : @ayr_in_ast_info


今日の再生回数 0
今日の表示回数 2
総再生回数 1846
総表示回数 21838