2015年10月10日 JOY
「誰も知らない楽園まで ようこそ」

手離さずにそばにいてよ 死ぬまで

泣き疲れたのなら そっとここまで踏み入れてごらん

Stay by my side, dear my heart
I take your hand (and) lead you to the doomless world
We share every moment we've ever spent here
(and) will take away all hostile eyes gazing us then we get calmfull time

それでも 幸せだろ?

知らなくていいよ ずっと 何が正しいのかなんて

Painless makes us blindly
Insane got worse
Illusion teases us lightly
If you cry for your precious things you've made here
they fly away from you so you feel nothing but nothing bad nor good

Stay by my side, dear my heart
I take your hand (and) lead you to the doomless world
We share every moment we've ever spent here
(and) will take away all hostile eyes gazing us then we get calmfull time