Shade! is a punk rock / soft punk band from Jakarta, Indonesia.
formed in 2016 consists of three personnel.
Tesuya (Gt/Vo), Yuna (Ba/Vo), Ziaur (Dr/Cho).
for Shade!'s member punk is not just about life style, music genre, ideology but Punk is an attitude or an uncertain action (what?) through the work to express a particular aspiration and expression.
Shade! mixed feel of Punk Rock and Japanese, into a loud but pitched good music.
during the time, Shade! has release two video clips and one album (2018).
the first video clip released in 2016 "Reason to smile"
At that time, Suya (Gt/BackVo) assumed the song as a test track.
because in Indonesia the market is a bit hard to receive PUNK genre.
after it, the result is beyond expectations, people give. very drastic!