頭ん中の中の愛情は I don’t know where 暗い夜のchu-lipにmy heart beats バクバク爆
We can’t straightly love each other But I can hug and kiss with you
I want your body burning my Jon very hard 硬くしてちょうだい
Rape me, so, by your hands Rape me, so, by your rips
Rape me, so, by your rose Rape me!! Come on!!
弾けとんだreason 弾みつけるdark in night
声にできない We seek pleasure like heaven
Under 0のdistance 君と越えるborderline
闇に解ける But the stars look down us in the sky
頭ん中の中の愛情は I don’t know what 深い夜とchu-lipにour hearts beat バクバク爆
We can’t straightly love each other But I can do B and C with you
I want your body burning my Jon very hard アツくしてちょうだい
Rape me, so, without your mind Rape me without hesitation
Rape me without a feeling of guilt Rape me!! Come on!!
弾けとんだreason 弾みつけるdark in night
声にできない We seek pleasure like heaven
Under 0のdistance 君と越えるborderline
闇に解ける But the stars look down us in the sky