作詞・AG 作曲・NO-GA 編曲・Gravity Tribal
集えPeople who smolder!!スカシタCloser!!
イカレタPleasure people!! Blast起こす!
暴動掻き分け熱唱!渦巻くDesire 歓喜で熱狂
高まる鼓動押えずMake noise!
Gravity Tribalただ掻き鳴らす
There is no tedium in our domain.
Please sway the body to like you.
揺らせbody. Like a Freaky.あげる The floor filled by the beat.
攻めるOurイカシタTricky.挙げるhands. Please get pleasure!
Break down in Mosh pit!
舞い上がれDancing of mind
急かすFeelings. Don't stop 乱舞
Make impulse by this music!
Please sway the body to like you.
Leave the body to sound to like you.
Pleasure is waiting for you.