Once upon a time ... when the sky was blue.
The scent of orange which smelled sweet from a little kitchen.
Once upon a time ... when the sun was shining.
The marmalade jam which mom was making in a little kitchen.

The sour-sweet bitter-sweet taste is so funny it looks like this me.
The sour-sweet bitter-sweet taste is so funny it looks like this life.

Well, peace was deprived. Ominous clouds brooded over the sky.
The jam is never made again. That is a mere old tale.
Well, fight, marmaladeboy. Twang on the marmaladetoy.
The hoarse scream never knows ceasing from crying yet.

I like both blueberry jam and strawberry jam.
But my best one is all things considered ... marmalade jam.

昔々… 空の色が青かった頃
昔々… 陽の光が射してた頃

甘酸っぱくてほろ苦い其の味は 面白い程此のボクに善く似てる
甘酸っぱくてほろ苦い其の味は 面白い程此の人生に善く似てる

さぁ平穏は奪われた 空には暗雲が垂れ込めた
もう二度とジャムは作られない あれは只の昔話だ
さぁ戦えママレード少年 掻き鳴らせママレード玩具

ブルーベリージャムも好きだよ ストロベリージャムも