It’s surely a great deed the support of humanity.
But the reason and faith can’t make us satisfy.
Flattering and obeying repeating us usual.
It’s an uncertainty evidence to risk their lives.
In the land of anger which surpasses despair.
The dusty laws of the old pacifism
enact to limit their freedom.
Declare our nations stance.
Show fortitude to get back pride and faith.
Clear the mistake of the past.
Bad diplomacy will lead to serious damage.
They just make many accomplished facts
and never redress contradiction.
The prospect is easy with little vision
and the measures in a haphazard way.
Don’t be wise our help is not a justice.
Ambassadors are sacrificed to prove it.
Insignias are awarded for coffins.
Is that a payment for incomplete security?
Independence is not needed to define.
But we are slaves to surrounding faces.
Slough off a delusion and an internal dependence.
So we will never misjudge for what we have to protest.